Rose Commercial Kitchen is a shared culinary incubator for food truck owners, caterers, and bakers in the beginning to mid-stages of their business. Think of it as co-working for culinary professionals.

Long-term storage is limited, so only Ghost Kitchen and Intermediate packages Members (30+ hours a month) are eligible for short-term dry storage or refrigeration, service storage, or longer-term cooler storage.

Rose Commercial Kitchen is a shared space, and kitchen long-term rents or leases are not available. Rose Commercial Kitchen encourages the development and eventual successful growth of your business in line with your business plans and goals – especially if that means you eventually get your own kitchen!

Rose Commercial Kitchen provides core kitchen equipment, but you will need to bring specialized equipment for your food and small appliances and take those items with you upon departure, unless you have storage space.

Members are assigned a to station with prep table and access to same-day refrigeration. Same day refrigeration should be cleaned upon departure.

Yes, during normal business hours (8-5pm) to the receiving door by you or your representative. Rose Commercial Kitchen staff will not sign for or take custody of any food product deliveries.

Yes, but at their team’s assigned station at designated time. Hot line, dish, and common areas are shared.

Once you become a member of Rose Commercial Kitchen, you will receive a link to register to our scheduling system. You will be able to reserve time up to the number of hours included in your package. If you need additional hours you will be able to pay for the extra hours at the time of scheduling. 

Members are required to always keep their station and other kitchen areas immaculate! If your fail to clean you could be charge up to $200 cleaning fee. Additionally, Rose Commercial Kitchen will have regularly scheduled ‘deep’ cleaning which will be posted. Our team will clean the open areas, meeting spaces, bathrooms, and property neat. The goal is to keep a place where we all want to cook.

Each member is its own business entity, and fully in compliance with the state, city, or federal requirements and regulations regarding food safety, handling, taxes, labor, licensing and permitting. Additionally, your business must have liability insurance and Rose Commercial Kitchen as a named insured on the policy, with waiver of subrogation. This must be maintained throughout the membership.